报佳音号 | 5821 |
外文书名 | Mathematics, Grade K |
作者 | [美]斯蒂文·白比特(Steven Babbitt) |
ISBN | 978-7-5427-7163-6 |
出版社 | 上海科学普及出版社 |
出版年月 | 2018.3 |
开本 | 16K |
页数 | 360 |
- 尊重孩子的认知发展规律
- 调动孩子的多感官认知
- 敏锐孩子的感觉,在理性的帮助下不断升华
- 教师可根据学生的兴趣随时扩展教学内容
这套教材由美国普播世出版社(Purposeful Design Publications)出版,教材出版后广受私立学校的欢迎。目前全球有1000多所学校使用,每年有200,000名学生受益。教材的编写始于1999年,第一版于2006年上市,历时7年。第二版成形于2014-2016年,于2017年上市。我们目前推出的是2017年的最新版。
Chapter 1 Classify and Sort
- 1.1 Top, Middle, and Bottom………………….3
- 1.2 Before, After, and Between………………5
- 1.3 Above and Below ……………………………7
- 1.4 Left and Right…………………………………9
- 1.5 Inside and Outside ………………………..11
- 1.6 Sort by Color………………………………..13
- 1.7 Sort by Shape……………………………….15
- 1.8 Sort by Size ………………………………….17
- 1.9 Alike and Different ………………………..19
- 1.10 Graph: School……………………………….21
- 1.11 Chapter 1 Review and Checkup ………23
Chapter 2 Explore Patterns
- 2.1 Introduction to Patterns ………………..29
- 2.2 Copy Patterns……………………………….31
- 2.3 Extend Patterns…………………………….33
- 2.4 Predict the Pattern………………………..35
- 2.5 Patterns That Are Alike ………………….37
- 2.6 Different Ways to Make Patterns …….39
- 2.7 Make Patterns ………………………………41
- 2.8 Patterns All Around……………………….43
- 2.9 Staircase Patterns………………………….45
- 2.10 Graph: Farm …………………………………47
- 2.11 Chapter 2 Review and Checkup ………49
Chapter 3 Count and Match
- 3.1 One to One ………………………………….55
- 3.2 Same Number……………………………….57
- 3.3 More Than ……………………………………59
- 3.4 Less Than……………………………………..61
- 3.5 Compare………………………………………63
- 3.6 Count 1–10…………………………………..65
- 3.7 Count Forward and Backward …………67
- 3.8 One More and One Less…………………69
- 3.9 One More, One Less, and the Same…71
- 3.10 Graph: Park ………………………………….73
- 3.11 Chapter 3 Review and Checkup ………75
Chapter 4 Numbers 0–5
- 4.1 Identify and Write 1 and 2………………81
- 4.2 Identify and Write 3 and 4………………83
- 4.3 Identify and Write 5……………………….85
- 4.4 Identify and Write 0……………………….87
- 4.5 Sequence Numbers 0–5 …………………89
- 4.6 Order Numbers 0–5 ………………………91
- 4.7 Compare Numbers 0–5 ………………….93
- 4.8 Number Recognition 0–5 ……………….95
- 4.9 Missing Numbers ………………………….97
- 4.10 Graph: Neighborhood …………………..99
- 4.11 Chapter 4 Review and Checkup …….101
Chapter 5 Numbers 6–10
- 5.1 Identify and Write 6……………………..107
- 5.2 Identify and Write 7……………………..109
- 5.3 Identify and Write 8……………………..111
- 5.4 Identify and Write 9……………………..113
- 5.5 Identify and Write 10……………………115
- 5.6 Sequence Numbers 6–10 ……………..117
- 5.7 Order Numbers 0–10 …………………..119
- 5.8 Compare Numbers 0–10 ………………121
- 5.9 Number Recognition 0–10 ……………123
- 5.10 Numbers Before, After, Between …..125
- 5.11 Graph: Store……………………………….127
- 5.12 Chapter 5 Review and Checkup …….129
Chapter 6 Solids, Shapes, and Equal Parts
- 6.1 Solids…………………………………………135
- 6.2 Sort Solids ………………………………….137
- 6.3 Find Shapes in Solids……………………139
- 6.4 Make Shapes in Solids ………………….141
- 6.5 Plane Shapes ………………………………143
- 6.6 Squares and Rectangles………………..145
- 6.7 Circles and Triangles…………………….147
- 6.8 Equal Parts …………………………………149
- 6.9 Make Equal Groups ……………………..151
- 6.10 Identify Halves and Symmetry……….153
- 6.11 Slides, Flips, and Turns …………………155
- 6.12 Pattern Block Shapes……………………157
- 6.13 Chapter 6 Review and Checkup …….159
Chapter 7 Look at Larger Numbers
- 7.1 Identify and Write 11–15………………165
- 7.2 Identify and Write 16–19………………167
- 7.3 Identify and Write 20 …………………..169
- 7.4 Identify and Write 21–25………………171
- 7.5 Identify and Write 26–31………………173
- 7.6 Identify Numbers to 50 ………………..175
- 7.7 Identify Numbers to 100 ………………177
- 7.8 Estimate …………………………………….179
- 7.9 Count On and Count Back…………….181
- 7.10 Graph: Sporting Event………………….183
- 7.11 Chapter 7 Review and Checkup …….185
Chapter 8 Count and Sequence
- 8.1 Two More and Two Less………………..191
- 8.2 Skip Count by 2s …………………………193
- 8.3 Skip Count by 5s …………………………195
- 8.4 Skip Count by 10s ……………………….197
- 8.5 Before and After………………………….199
- 8.6 Sequence Events …………………………201
- 8.7 Ordinal Numbers: First–Third ………..203
- 8.8 Ordinal Numbers: Fourth–Tenth …….205
- 8.9 Position Words ……………………………207
- 8.10 Follow Directions…………………………209
- 8.11 Graph: Science Museum ……………….211
- 8.12 Chapter 8 Review and Checkup …….213
Chapter 9 Count Money
- 9.1 Introduce and Sort Coins………………219
- 9.2 Pennies ………………………………………221
- 9.3 Nickels……………………………………….223
- 9.4 Dimes ………………………………………..225
- 9.5 Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes ………….227
- 9.6 Quarters …………………………………….229
- 9.7 Dollars ……………………………………….231
- 9.8 Compare Values…………………………..233
- 9.9 Mixed Money ……………………………..235
- 9.10 Combine and Compare…………………237
- 9.11 Graph: Fair …………………………………239
- 9.12 Chapter 9 Review and Checkup …….241
Chapter 10 Tell Time
- 10.1 Hours: Analog……………………………..247
- 10.2 Hours: Digital ……………………………..249
- 10.3 Thirty Minutes: Analog …………………251
- 10.4 Thirty Minutes: Digital………………….253
- 10.5 Practice Telling Time…………………….255
- 10.6 Daily Schedule…………………………….257
- 10.7 Order of Events …………………………..259
- 10.8 More Time or Less Time ……………….261
- 10.9 Count On and Count Back…………….263
- 10.10 Graph: School and Home………………265
- 10.11 Chapter 10 Review and Checkup …..267
Chapter 11 Discover Addition
- 11.1 Act It Out …………………………………..273
- 11.2 Model………………………………………..275
- 11.3 Solve Problems……………………………277
- 11.4 Addition …………………………………….279
- 11.5 Practice Addition…………………………281
- 11.6 Possible Combinations …………………283
- 11.7 Word Problems……………………………285
- 11.8 Number Line Addition………………….287
- 11.9 Estimate …………………………………….289
- 11.10 Missing Addends …………………………291
- 11.11 Graph: Zoo …………………………………293
- 11.12 Chapter 11 Review and Checkup …..295
Chapter 12 Discover Subtraction
- 12.1 Act It Out …………………………………..301
- 12.2 Model………………………………………..303
- 12.3 Solve Problems……………………………305
- 12.4 Subtraction…………………………………307
- 12.5 Practice Subtraction …………………….309
- 12.6 Possible Combinations …………………311
- 12.7 Word Problems……………………………313
- 12.8 Number Line Subtraction ……………..315
- 12.9 Estimate …………………………………….317
- 12.10 Missing Parts ………………………………319
- 12.11 Graph: Beach………………………………321
- 12.12 Chapter 12 Review and Checkup …..323
Chapter 13 Measurement
- 13.1 Nonstandard Measurements …………329
- 13.2 Compare Length and Height…………331
- 13.3 Order Length and Height……………..333
- 13.4 Identify Rulers ……………………………335
- 13.5 Inches ………………………………………..337
- 13.6 Explore Capacity …………………………339
- 13.7 Cups ………………………………………….341
- 13.8 Explore Weight……………………………343
- 13.9 Ounces and Pounds……………………..345
- 13.10 Explore Temperature……………………347
- 13.11 Compare Temperatures ………………..349
- 13.12 Graph: Garden…………………………….351
- 13.13 Chapter 13 Review and Checkup …..353
- 13.14 Cumulative Review ………………………357